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As Pandemic Relief Ends, Young Adults Face Increased Economic Insecurity

When we talk about poverty, hunger, and homelessness, college students and young adults are not often centered in the conversation. However, researchers have documented growing economic insecurity for this demographic. Congress should take steps to make EITC and SNAP provisions permanent to address the growing poverty rates among young Americans.

Citizenship Is Essential

It has been more than 30 years since Congress enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act. This inaction comes at an enormous cost to our immigrant neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and friends—and there is a cost significant to the United States as a whole.

Young Organizers Learn from Each Other

Twenty-one Advocacy Corps organizers from the 2021–2022 and the 2020–2021 classes met for the first time in Washington, D.C., over Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend.

Remembering Tommy Raskin

Our FCNL community grieves the loss of Tommy Raskin and we are holding his family, and the wider community he loved and continues to inspire, in the Light. Tommy passed away at the end of December 2020.

Spring Lobby Weekend Participants Holding Love They Neighbor Sign
Jannifer Domenick

Spring Lobby Weekend

Each year more than 400 students, recent grads, Quakers, and young adults gather to learn and lobby Congress at FCNL’s Spring Lobby Weekend.

Yes AND Vote on November 3!

Amid the political turmoil, racial tensions, and global pandemic, it is difficult to know what lies ahead. For us young adults, this uncertainty makes it feel almost impossible to imagine what a November election will look like.