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Spring Lobby Weekend 2024

March 16-19, 2024

In March 2024, hundreds of young adults gathered for Spring Lobby Weekend—our young adult advocacy conference and day of action. Over 300 lobbied Congress to address the harmful legacy of the Indian Boarding School era.

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Shannon Salandy smiles in front of U.S. Capitol
Joe Molieri/FCNL

This is what I want to do. Be involved in grassroots advocacy. Spring Lobby Weekend was a great place and time to learn how to do it.

Shannon Salandy, York, PA

Spring Lobby Weekend 2023

Group of Spring Lobby Weekend advocates walk together in front of the U.S. Captiol Building
DAG Photo

March 25-28, 2023
More than 300 advocates gathered in-person and online for Spring Lobby Weekend, March 25-28, 2023. We heard from powerful speakers about community-based efforts to disrupt cycles of violence and build peace. We discussed the stories we bring to our advocacy, practiced how to lobby, and learned about our policy ask: urging Congress to make our communities safer by dedicating at least $20 million in federal funding for violence interrupters in the FY2024 appropriations bill.

Spring Lobby Weekend 2022

Spring Lobby Weekend 2022 particpants walk to White House holding "love thy neighbor" signs
DAG Photo

March 12-15, 2022
More than 400 advocates gathered in-person and online for our first-ever hybrid Spring Lobby Weekend. We heard from powerful speakers about the decades-long effort to create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Together, we discussed the stories we bring to our advocacy, practiced how to lobby, and learned from each other and experts about our policy ask: urging Congress to enact a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million of our undocumented neighbors.

Virtual Spring Lobby Weekend 2021

Spring Lobby Weekend 2021

March 20-22, 2021
Hundreds of young adult advocates from all around the U.S. brought a clear and compelling message to Congress: Our country needs urgent action to end the crisis of systemic racism and militarization in policing.Hundreds of young adult advocates from all around the U.S. brought a clear and compelling message to Congress: Our country needs urgent action to end the crisis of systemic racism and militarization in policing.

Virtual Spring Lobby Weekend 2020

Spring Lobby Weekend 2020 participants

March 29-31, 2020
Hundreds of young advocates from all around the U.S. brought a clear and compelling message to Congress: now is the time to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the damage already being done by climate change, and protect vulnerable communities by passing carbon pricing legislation.

Spring Lobby Weekend 2019

That Was Powerful

March 23-26, 2019
Five hundred young advocates from all around the U.S. brought a clear and compelling message to Congress: Reject increased funding for immigration detention and deportation. Invest in alternatives to detention and expand accountability.

Spring Lobby Weekend 2018

Spring Lobby Weekend participants holding sign that says "build bridges, not walls"
Jennifer Domenick

Marcy 23-26, 2018
Right before a major spending vote in Congress, 425 young adults came to Washington, DC from across the U.S. to lobby for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers without hurting border communities or immigrant families.