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Legislative Ask

Invest in Violence Interrupters

For decades, policymakers have debated how to address the epidemic of gun violence affecting communities across the United States. Traditionally, localities have responded to community-level violence by increasing the presence of a militarized police force. This approach has repeatedly failed, with sometimes fatal consequences that compound trauma and increase the likelihood of future violence. 

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Gun Violence Witness
Fibonacci Blue
Boy holds sign that says "stop the gun violence"

Violence Interrupters

Disagreements disproportionately turn violent in marginalized communities plagued with disinvestment, oppression, and a history of trauma. We must look to violence interruption, which works to prevent neighborhood gun violence.

Advocate smiles in front of U.S. Capitol, holds sign that says: "Love They Neighbor (No Exceptions)"
Joe Molieri/FCNL

Quaker Advocacy to End Gun Violence

In times of increased gun violence, thoughts and prayers are no longer enough. We need policies and action.

Interfaith Gun Violence Vigil at U.S. Capitol

Bipartisan Progress

For the first time in more than two decades, lawmakers in the 117th Congress (2021-2022) passed significant legislation to address gun violence. The law included four key FCNL gun violence prevention priorities.

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.

We seek a society with equity and justice for all.

We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled.

We seek an earth restored.