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FCNL Rejects New Government Rule to Slow Down Legal Immigration

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) expressed strong opposition against a rule released today by the Trump administration to penalize legal immigrants from securing a green card if they receive housing or food subsidies from the government.

House Votes to End War with Iraq, Prevent War with Iran

Washington, DC - The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauded today’s House votes repealing the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq (2002 AUMF) and preventing a new unauthorized war with Iran.

PRESS ADVISORY: Faith Leaders Call for Diplomacy, Not War, With Iran

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, July 9, national faith leaders will convene on Capitol Hill to speak out against a morally and religiously indefensible war with Iran. Amid escalating tensions between the US and Iran, speakers will call on all Christian leaders, theologians, clergy, and laypersons to choose peace over more war. The speakers will also call on legislators to support an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to ensure the president cannot take unauthorized unilateral military action in or against Iran.

Quaker Lobby Applauds Senate Vote to Prevent War with Iran

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) celebrated today’s Senate action on Iran, which saw a bipartisan majority vote of 50-40, to block President Trump from attacking Iran without prior congressional authorization. Although the amendment, sponsored by Senators Tom Udall (NM) and Tim Kaine (VA), did not meet the 60-vote threshold required for inclusion in the defense policy bill, it sent a strong message that the Senate will not stand idly by while the president leads the country into yet another devastating Middle East war.

Quaker Lobby Applauds Supreme Court’s Census Verdict

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), the Quaker lobby, applauds the Supreme Court’s ruling this morning that the administration did not provide adequate justification to include a question on citizenship in the 2020 census.

FCNL Supports Humanitarian Crisis Funding, Not Enforcement

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) expressed concern today that the House of Representatives’ emergency spending package, currently projected at $4.5 billion, could be used to enhance enforcement and detention rather than humanitarian assistance. Recent reports from border detention facilities have documented cases of children without diapers, soap, medical supplies, and access to showers. In several cases, it was up to older children to take care of the younger children, all without proper adult supervision.

Senate Rebuffs President’s “End-Run” on Saudi Arms Sales

Washington, DC - The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) hails today’s Senate vote to reject the $8 billion arms sale package to Saudi Arabia and other countries that the Trump administration sought to push through without congressional oversight and approval. By a vote of 53 to 45, the Senate disapproved the sale of bombs of the type that have been used in Saudi attacks against Yemeni civilians.