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FCNL Lays Out Path to Peace in Afghanistan

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation issued a new report today on the responsible way to wind down and finally end the 19-year war in Afghanistan. This report draws on extensive interviews with experts in diplomacy, crisis response and planning, military affairs, and state-building in Afghanistan.

Quaker Lobby Opposes Administration’s Bid to Expand Muslim Ban

Washington, DC – The Trump administration is expected to formally announce plans today to expand the 2017 travel ban, commonly known as the Muslim ban. The extension includes Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania. The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) has consistently opposed any religious-based tests or barriers for admission to the United States.

Quaker Lobby Applauds House Rejection of War with Iran

Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation welcomes the clear message sent by the House of Representatives last evening that war with Iran has not been authorized and attacks must cease. In a bipartisan vote of 224-194, the House invoked the War Powers Act, directing the president to terminate the use of the military to engage in hostilities in or against Iran. The Senate is expected to take up similar legislation as soon as next week.

Videos by Presidential Candidates Focus on Faith, Hunger, and Poverty

Washington, DC – More than 50 Christian leaders with the Circle of Protection asked all of the presidential candidates, Republican and Democratic, to send a short video explaining what they “would do as president to offer help and opportunity to poor and hungry people in the United States and around the world.”