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Many Quaker organizations, meetings, and churches are sharing their concern around welcome and migration.

FCNL is collecting and sharing these minutes, statements, and other resources from Quakers about the need for the U.S. to be a society marked by welcome and not one that dehumanizes migrants.  

In Quaker meetings and churches, meeting minutes represent the wording of a decision or an agreed upon action to be taken by the meeting or church. FCNL recognizes the importance of meeting minutes both as advocacy tools and as a means of communicating to members of Congress how their constituents are thinking and acting on a particular issue.

If your organization, church, or meeting has approved a minute, statement, or resource on migration, please email it to to include it in this collection. The Quaker Engagement team will follow up with you to offer support in sharing your minute or statement with your members of Congress as another way to change public policy through faith-in-action. 


Three next steps you can take

  1. Write a letter to the editor, explaining why Congress shouldn’t provide a blank check to mass deportation.  
  2. Share your stories in our Storytelling Project on Migration to help us collect statements of the lived experiences of people immigrating or acting in solidarity with migrants.
  3. Email us to get your own “Quakers demand no ICE in houses of worship” poster! Just let us know where we can send the posters
Has your organization, church, or meeting approved a minute, statement, or resource on immigration?
Add it to this collection by emailing us at