Problem to Address: President Trump, working with the majority of the 119th Congress, has vowed to deport 13 million and counting undocumented immigrants, close the border, and end funding to communities supporting newcomers. It’s an agenda that will erode citizenship and belonging in the U.S., rip families apart, devastate communities, censure and punish faith groups called to welcome, and upend economic vitality in the United States. We all want safe, healthy, and prosperous communities but this isn’t the way.
The Trump Administration is going to rely on Congress to provide the resources and funds needed for its mass detention agenda. We can make a difference by blocking an expected $350 billion funding package and safeguarding communities welcoming immigrants.
Humanity is Resistance: Public discourse needs your voice to keep stressing the importance of immigrant neighbors to your community, the irrevocable damage of harsh immigration enforcement, and the guaranteed harm to families, neighborhoods, businesses, and the country.
What You Can Do: In upcoming budget and spending decisions, let’s ensure Congress doesn’t offer a blank check for mass detention and deportation. Writing a letter to the editor will make a difference!
Here are a few things to highlight in your letter:
Debates in D.C. decry a “border crisis” and provoke fear of an “invasion.” But at its core, migration is about humanity. The United States needs a migration system that centers on empathy, safety, and efficiency. That starts with honoring the Light in every individual.
Share what immigrants mean to you and your community!
The mass deportation of immigrant workers, consumers, and business owners would cut GDP, a measure of the nation’s economic health, by as much as 7.4% and drive prices 9.1% higher by 2028, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. More than 5 million U.S. citizen children would face devastating separation from an undocumented family member (American Immigration Council).
Most people don’t want mass deportation. According to a January 2025 poll by the Wall Street Journal, nearly 75% of voters don’t support widespread removals. In fact, depending on the conditions, there’s considerable support for a pathway to citizenship for long-standing community members who are undocumented.
Walls, troops at the border, mandatory detention, and sweeping deportation by military aircraft don’t address the root causes of migration. They’re costly band aids instead of real migration management solutions.
Billions for unchecked immigration enforcement is at the expense of our everyday needs for housing, food for children and low-income families, healthcare, etc.