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Washington Newsletter: Quaker Advocacy - Past, Present, Future

As the oldest registered religious lobby in Washington, D.C., it would be easy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) to celebrate its accomplishments and ride off into the sunset. After all, the organization has done a lot in 80 years. But that is not FCNL’s way.

Join the Movement for Racial Justice Among and Beyond Friends

I invite you to join this groundbreaking community of racial justice changemakers. Together, we will continue the vital work of dismantling white supremacy, fostering change from the ground up, and promoting racial justice within the Religious Society of Friends and beyond!

Building an Intergenerational Movement to End Gun Violence

Sometimes advocating for preventing gun violence can seem challenging and, frankly, a bit lonely. So, the opportunity to spend time with more than 300 young and motivated people who came to Washington, D.C., to lobby for dedicated funding for Community Violence Interrupters was refreshing.

Exploring the Way Forward for Friends in a Divided Congress and World

FCNL is a force for peace and justice. Our power comes from uplifting our prophetic mission and living into the world we seek. We must ask ourselves how Congress fits into our vision. Seeking an answer to that question, FCNL General Secretary Bridget Moix joined Sarah Freeman-Woolpert and me at the One America Movement Conference in Atlanta, GA, last month.

At Long Last, Hope for Peace in Yemen

This week, a delegation of leaders from Saudi Arabia and Oman met with Houthi leaders in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. Their aim is to reinstate the truce in Yemen, which lapsed in October, and pave the way for broader talks to end the conflict entirely.

The Enduring Power of Peacebuilding

Amid calls for more weapons to win battlefield victories, we affirm the enduring power of building peace through peaceful means. We urge robust, persistent, and creative diplomacy and peacebuilding to bring about a just and durable solution to the ongoing war in Ukraine.