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There is No Excuse for Antisemitism

The recent surge in violent attacks against members of the Jewish community is a shameful reminder that centuries of antisemitism continue to poison our nation and our world.

A girl drinks from a tap
Iyad Al Baba / Oxfam


We urge the United States to condemn violence on all sides and to provide assistance that can prevent, de-escalate, and resolve the long-standing conflicts that affect the security and well-being of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Quaker Organizations Oppose Potential West Bank Annexation by Israel

Washington, DC – Three Quaker organizations that focus on international policy said today that they oppose the threatened annexation of the West Bank by Israel and called for such plans to be abandoned. Mounting reports indicate that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government could annex the West Bank starting July 1.

Quaker Statement on Potential Israeli Annexation of the West Bank

As organizations that are part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) we are deeply concerned about the threatened Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank. Such an action would violate international law, formalize land theft, further entrench inequalities and the denial of Palestinian rights, intensify human suffering, and make realizing a just and lasting peace more difficult.

Say No to Israel’s Annexation of the West Bank

As a faith-based organization with a long history of advocating for peace in the Middle East, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) opposes Israel’s proposed annexation of Palestinian territory. We call on Congress to declare it will not recognize a unilateral assertion of Israeli sovereignty over Palestinian lands and that such annexation will irreparably harm the U.S.-Israel relationship.