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Prayers and Policy for Gun Violence Prevention

On Valentines Day we watched in horror as another mass shooting unfolded in the United States, this time at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The time for thoughts and prayers without action is over. We need you to urge Congress to act.

Faith Groups Commit Prayers and Action to Gun Violence Prevention

The Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence Coalition, a group of 50 faith organizations that includes FCNL, released a statement on the tragic school shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida along with a call to action.

FCNL Responds to Inaction on Dreamer Protection

On Thursday, February 16, the Senate took a series of votes on immigration - all of which failed to meet the 60-vote threshold to pass. Read below for FCNL’s response and vote recommendations.

FCNL Denounces Trump Administration’s Decision not to Redesignate TPS for Syria

On January 31, the Department of Homeland Security announced its decision to extend Temporary Protected Status for Syrian nationals currently living in the United States for an additional 18 months. However, DHS failed to redesignate TPS for Syria which will deprive nearly 2,000 Syrians who arrived in the U.S. after August 1, 2016 of TPS protections.

Unity Declaration on Racism and Poverty

As leaders from diverse families of U.S. Christianity, we are called by the Spirit to work together with new urgency against the resurgence of racism and the persistence of poverty in America.

With 200,000 Salvadorans Facing Possible Deportation, FCNL Urges Congress to Act

The administration announced on January 8 that approximately 200,000 TPS recipients from El Salvador will lose their work permits and protected status in September 2019. This decision follows the recent TPS terminations for Sudan, Nicaragua, and Haiti. FCNL urges Congress start working immediately to ensure stability for all current TPS recipients and their families.

FCNL Opposes Decision to Reduce Bears Ears National Monument

President Trump’s decision to reduce Bears Ears National Monument disregards Indigenous peoples’ historical connection to the land. The lack of tribal consultation prior to this proclamation is a clear signal that this administration devalues the importance of land to Indigenous traditions and values.