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1071 - 1080 of 1554 results
  • End Child Poverty Now! Faith Leaders Call for Expanding the Child Tax Credit

    Event | December 14, 2022
    Interfaith leaders, members of Congress, and parents are set to speak at a joint press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Dec. 15 in support of expanding the Child Tax Credit.
  • FCNL Urges Pennsylvania Attorney General to defend the Indian Child Welfare Act

    Statement | June 22, 2020
    FCNL Executive Secretary Diane Randall submitted a letter to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro urging him to deny a request from the State of Texas to support a legal challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act.
  • FCNL Submits Comment Opposing Citizenship Question in 2020 Census

    Statement | August 7, 2018
    The Trump Administration has been seeking to add a question to the 2020 Census that would ask respondents to indicate whether they are a citizen of the United States or not. The proposed rule would go through the Department of Commerce, and would change how the Census intakes information.
  • 75 Years Later, It's Time to Call for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

    Update | November 25, 2020
    I am alive today because my grandmother grew up in Shiga, Japan instead of her mother’s home of Hiroshima. I am alive today because my grandfather happened to be away from his Nagasaki school visiting family in Kyoto on Aug. 9, 1945. My family—those who were not killed by the U.S. atomic bombings—collectively survived not one but two nuclear weapon attacks, the only ones in history.
  • Citizenship Is Essential

    Update | January 31, 2023
    It has been more than 30 years since Congress enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act. This inaction comes at an enormous cost to our immigrant neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and friends—and there is a cost significant to the United States as a whole.
  • This Week in the World: A Historic Step Toward Truth, Justice, and Healing for Native Communities

    This Week in the World | October 25, 2024

    In a historic speech today, President Joe Biden offered a formal apology to Native communities for the U.S. government’s Indian Boarding Schools policies.

  • FCNL Submits Comment to USDA on Proposed Work Requirements for SNAP

    Statement | April 13, 2018
    FCNL submitted a comment to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) about a new rule that was recently proposed. The rule would place new requirements on Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) within the SNAP program, and would place restrictions on their access to SNAP benefits.
  • 90 Organizations Urge Congress to Denounce Islamophobic Rhetoric and Policies

    Letter | April 1, 2018
    Concerned by President-elect Trump’s anti-Muslim policy proposals and rhetoric, as well as previous Islamophobic statements made by several of his nominees for high-level positions, FCNL joined nearly 100 organizations in sending a letter to members of Congress asking them to reaffirm their commitment to the First Amendment and the principle of religious freedom.
  • Seeking Truth and Speaking it As Best We Can

    Update | August 9, 2023
    Nancy Milio’s passion for public health and advocacy led her to Quakerism and FCNL
  • Andres Lerma and Vashti Meza

    Person - SLW 2018 | June 7, 2018

    I came to Spring Lobby Weekend to bridge the reality between the reality and the talk. I want to advocate for my people, my community. I feel a real sense of empowerment being able to talk to these people face to face and hold them accountable.