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Friends Committee on National Legislation and Peace Direct co-hosted an event, A Business Plan for Peace: Investing in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in the Quaker Welcome Center, bringing together both peacebuilders and policymakers in a conversation highlighting the importance of locally led peacebuilding initiatives and advocating for more peaceful U.S. foreign policies.

Scilla Elworthy, Founder of Peace Direct at peacebuilding event in the Friends Committee on National Legislation's Quaker Welcome Center
Scilla Elworthy, Peace Direct Founder

Dr. Scilla Elworthy, founder of the Oxford Research Group and Peace Direct and three time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, discussed the importance of locally led efforts to prevent violent conflict that center around long-term change. She recently published her book, The Business Plan for Peace: Building a World Without War where she discusses the financial perspective around investing in early prevention of violent conflict.

Dr. Dafna Rand, Mercy Corps’s Vice President of Policy and Research offered five lessons on how to push for a less militarized and more peaceful U.S. foreign policy. Connecting locally led peace efforts with policy change in Washington is crucial to creating change and building sustainable peace.

Located across the street from the U.S. Senate, the Quaker Welcome Center is a place for dialogue and the promotion of peace, justice, and environmental sustainability. The Quaker Welcome Center hosts programs and events that equip people to change policy, nurture integrity in governance, and collaborate across political differences. To book your lobby training and attend upcoming events, please visit