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Despite the saber-rattling and threats of war, the House of Representatives this summer quietly and overwhelmingly voted to bolster U.S. government efforts to prevent violent conflicts that cause atrocities and genocide. It passed the Eli Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act (H.R. 3030). A similar bill awaits final passage in the Senate (S. 1158).

This peacebuilding bill would not have been possible without the hard work of FCNL staff, Friends, and other advocates over the last six years. As a faith community, FCNL and its partners worked for this legislation because violence is wrong.

“Quakers have long advocated for structural transformation to build a more peaceful, just, and equitable world,” said Theo Sitther, FCNL’s Legislative Secretary for Peacebuilding Policy. “We are thankful to all our advocates for supporting this work.”

Read the rest of this article, and the full Washington Newsletter for September 2018, below.