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Statement from Friends Committee on National Legislation:

We are dismayed and heartbroken by the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13. We hold him, those killed and wounded, and all those affected by these traumatic events in the Light. This tragic and frightening event is part of an ongoing escalation of politically related violence in our country that threatens us all and that must be urgently de-escalated.  

In the face of this abhorrent act, we reaffirm our belief as Quakers that there is that of God in everyone and that we are called to love our neighbors without exception.

In the face of this abhorrent act, we reaffirm our belief as Quakers that there is that of God in everyone and that we are called to love our neighbors without exception. Our democracy holds the promise of a country united through common values, collaborative decision-making, and nonviolent conflict transformation. We know this promise is still possible even amid great uncertainty, and that the world we seek is still in the making.

We stand at a critical moment in our country’s history. We are gravely concerned by the potential for more violence and the unraveling of our democracy if steps are not taken immediately and continually to reduce partisan polarization, prevent violence and extremism, rebuild civil discourse, and protect our democratic institutions and processes.  

We urge the administration to ensure a thorough investigation and full public accounting of the assassination attempt, and to hold those responsible accountable under the rule of law.  

We call on all our leaders, political candidates, the media, and our communities to seek the truth and dispel misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric that could fuel further violence.   

We reiterate our call for an urgent and comprehensive ban on assault weapons, and increased investment to end the plague of gun violence affecting our country, including addressing its root causes.

We commit ourselves and encourage others to practice deep listening and continued relationship-building across the divides that separate us. We also commit to work together to protect our democratic institutions, uphold the rule of law, and ensure free, fair, and safe elections for everyone.   

We know that change is always possible, and that it is in times of crisis that societies can often demonstrate the greatest resilience.

We know that change is always possible, and that it is in times of crisis that societies can often demonstrate the greatest resilience. Our country has lived through other moments of great crisis and found our common future together before, and we know we can do so again.  

We call now for a renewed commitment by all our leaders, and by each of us, to respect human dignity, the rule of law, prevention of violence, and building of a more just, peaceful, and inclusive democracy.

Democracy and peace remain ours to build. Now is not the time to allow fear to divide us further. Now is the time, more than ever, to love our neighbors, no exceptions. 

Join us in building peace and democracy. Find out how here.

Bridget Moix

Bridget Moix

General Secretary

Bridget Moix is the fifth General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). She also leads two other Quaker organizations, affiliated with FCNL: Friends Place on Capitol Hill and FCNL Education Fund.