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Thank you for writing to your members of Congress to urge them to publicly support a ceasefire and expanded humanitarian aid in Gaza.

You can level up your advocacy by sharing with your community why you wrote your members of Congress.

One good way to do that is by sharing a video on social media explaining why a ceasefire in Gaza matters to you, and tagging your members of Congress and FCNL (@quakerlobby on Instagram and TikTok, @FCNL on Twitter/X).

Some tips to keep in mind as you record a video:

  • Be brief and keep it simple. Keep your video no longer than a minute and focus on 1-2 key points. 
  • Record in a quiet place with minimal background noise. 
  • Be yourself! Speak slowly, naturally, and from the heart. 

Here is an example of FCNL’s Bridget Moix speaking from the heart on Gaza, even when she isn’t in a fancy recording studio: