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A month after the horrific Hamas attack on Oct. 7, we remain profoundly disturbed by the ongoing, escalating violence in the region. Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Gaza continues to inflict an appalling human toll, killing thousands of civilians and children while bringing us no closer to lasting peace or the release of the hostages held by Hamas. 

Yet, we are inspired that with each passing day, the movement for peace continues to grow stronger. From the millions of people who have marched around the world to the thousands of people in the United States who have contacted their members of Congress, our voices demanding a ceasefire are being heard and are making a difference. 

Here are a few highlights from advocates throughout the United States.

FCNL Staff and Advocates Join March on Washington for Ceasefire 

On Nov. 4, FCNL staff members and advocates joined tens of thousands of people in Washington, D.C., at a historic demonstration for a ceasefire. 

Advocates march in the streets of Washington, DC holding signs that say, "Ceasefire Now" and "War is Not the Answer"
Quaker Advocates join Bridget Moix at rally calling for Ceasefire in Israel-Gaza War

“Unprecedented” Constituent Advocacy Prompts Hill Staff Walk-Out

More than 100 Congressional staffers staged a walk-out urging their bosses to heed the calls of their constituents to support a ceasefire. “This is very unprecedented,” one staffer said of the number of messages offices have received. “This is the most I’ve ever seen people unified behind an issue and actively calling.”

“[Even if members of Congress] are not speaking up for a cease-fire, the calls and the letters are making a difference,” another staffer said. “They’re changing the calculations of how far some members are willing to go to” in supporting the continued bombing of Gaza. 

Support For Ceasefire Expands in Congress 

While more work is needed to build more support for a ceasefire in Congress, our calls are being championed by a growing group of lawmakers. 

The Coalition for Peace is Growing

Beyond the nation’s capital, other diverse, powerful voices for peace are emerging across the country— from prominent Black faith leaders to more than 500 Biden campaign staff, Jewish organizations, U.S. veterans, doctors, and Israelis who lost family members on Oct.  7.

With so much suffering flooding our screens, it’s easy to feel despair. But these and countless other stories of advocacy provide us with reason for hope. Let’s continue to work together to build momentum for ceasefire to end the suffering of the people of Gaza, facilitate the release of hostages, and ensure the violence does not escalate into a devastating broader war.

Bryan Bowman

Bryan Bowman

Social Media and Communications Strategist

Bryan Bowman is FCNL’s social media and communications strategist. In this role, he manages FCNL’s social media platforms, supports the production of FCNL’s digital content, and represents the communications team in coalition efforts.