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Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is pleased to announce the hiring of Lauren Brownlee as the first Associate General Secretary for Community and Culture. In this role, she will oversee FCNL’s young adult program, Quaker outreach, and Friends Place on Capitol Hill. She will also help to lead FCNL’s shared anti-racism, anti-bias, justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments.

Contact Tim McHugh:, 202-903-2515

“Through her career as an educator, Lauren has worked with Quaker schools, yearly meetings, and organizations to build community and advance cultural change. So while this work is new to our organization, it is not to Lauren,” said FCNL General Secretary Bridget Moix. “With her at the helm of this new team, we are excited to continue FCNL’s journey to become the beloved community we seek in the world - transforming ourselves so we can advance a more just and peaceful world with greater integrity and greater impact.”

Lauren Brownlee joins the FCNL staff after serving on FCNL’s General Committee beginning in 2017 and its Executive Committee from 2019-2022. She is a member of Bethesda Friends Meeting and Baltimore Yearly Meeting. She has also served on the boards of Sandy Spring Friends School, DC Peace Team, the National Farm Worker’s Ministry, the Central Committee for Friends General Conference, and the Program Committee for Quakers Uprooting Racism.

“As a civically engaged Quaker, I have long admired the work of FCNL. I look forward to supporting the organization in being even more effective in living its mission,” said Lauren Brownlee, FCNL Associate General Secretary for Community and Culture. “The Community and Culture team will be developing and updating systems to ensure that FCNL’s Quaker values and commitment to justice are at the heart of all we do in our offices, on the Hill, and throughout our nationwide network.”

Lauren earned her B.A. in Classical Civilization and Greek from Wellesley College and her M.A. in Global, International, and Comparative History from Georgetown University. She also is a graduate of the Friends Council on Education’s Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools.

Before coming to FCNL, Lauren was the Upper School Head at Carolina Friends School and, before that, the Director of Social Action at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart.

Her appointment follows the adoption of a new FCNL Statement on Anti-Racism, Anti-Discrimination, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

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Tim McHugh

Timothy McHugh

Director of Media Relations

Tim leads organizational efforts to communicate about issues, victories, priorities, and updates through all available news channels – specifically the major media outlets.