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Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauded yesterday’s introduction of a Yemen War Powers Resolution (HJ Res 87) to end U.S. involvement, including logistical support, spare parts, and maintenance, for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Ending U.S. participation in this eight-year war, which is currently on a temporary truce, has been a top priority for FCNL’s national grassroots network. 

Tim McHugh;;

“The war in Yemen has killed nearly half a million people and pushed millions more to the edge of famine,” said Bridget Moix, FCNL’s General Secretary. “Quakers and other people of faith across the country have been working hard to build support for the truce and prevent any resumption of hostilities. Congress must pass the Yemen War Powers Resolution to end our participation in the Saudi-led coalition’s war and blockade.” 

Representatives Pramila Jayapal (WA) and Peter DeFazio’s (OR) legislation would direct the president to end all involvement in hostilities against the Houthis in Yemen, including support of offensive Saudi-led coalition strikes. While the Biden administration announced in 2021 that it would not provide further military support for operations in Yemen, including the refueling of warplanes bombing Yemen and targeting assistance, the administration has not yet provided a clear picture of what types of support would continue. 

“The Yemen truce offers hope that an end to the conflict might finally be possible. Congress must prevent backsliding by Saudi Arabia, which has driven so much of the violence through indiscriminate airstrikes and a crippling air, sea, and land blockade, by passing the Yemen War Powers Resolution at once,” said Hassan El-Tayyab, FCNL’s legislative director for Middle East policy. “Congressional pressure is critical right now to keep the warring parties at the bargaining table and off the battlefield. People across the country are calling upon Congress to help extend this temporary truce into a lasting peace settlement and bring this devastating humanitarian crisis to an end.” 

Up to 19 million Yemenis are on the brink of starvation and an estimated 2.2 million children under five are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition this year. According to the United Nations, Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The war in Ukraine has exacerbated the situation even further, as Yemen is highly dependent on grain imports from Russia and Ukraine. 

This year alone, FCNL advocates have taken part in more than 170 lobby visits with their members of Congress, including Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate.  

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Tim McHugh

Timothy McHugh

Director of Media Relations

Tim leads organizational efforts to communicate about issues, victories, priorities, and updates through all available news channels – specifically the major media outlets.