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Inside the Greenhouse is a monthly update on FCNL’s environmental advocacy and  emerging climate issues that impact our work.  

Negotiations Stalled, But Not Hopeless

Since his December announcement opposing the House-passed Build Back Better Act, negotiations with Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) have been stalled. However, there may still be a pathway forward to pass a version of Build Back Better—one that contains significant climate provisions.

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Of the $550 billion in the bill allotted for climate, the majority would go toward clean energy tax incentives that can provide up to a 74% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels. Sen. Manchin largely supports these provisions.

We are working with our allies in the faith and environmental communities to ensure the best outcome for climate and environmental justice policies in Build Back Better, no matter what form the bill takes.

Sen. Ron Wyden speaks at interfaith press conference in support of the Build Back Better Act

House Committee Set to Discuss Environmental Justice For All Act

The House Natural Resources Committee will discuss the Environmental Justice for All Act (S. 872/H.R. 2021) on Feb. 15. This bill includes funding for communities disproportionately burdened by climate change and to improve federal research and data. It also features amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Clean Air Act to bolster individual rights to a clean environment. The committee will hear expert testimonies on the bill. If your House member is a part of this committee, be sure to ask for their support for the bill.

News and Updates

Committee Holds Hearing on Energy Impacts of Cryptocurrencies

The House Committee on Energy & Commerce held a hearing on cryptocurrency last month, focusing on the environmental impacts of cryptocurrency mining. Specific techniques used to “mine” cryptocurrency require high levels of computational power. This increases the energy needed to power and cool the machines used.

As cryptocurrencies gain popularity, Congress will need to consider further how and where crypto miners are getting their energy from and what kind of greenhouse gas emissions that energy consumption is creating.

Planned Pipeline Plays Key Role in Ukraine Negotiations

The planned Nordstream 2 pipeline, which would channel oil between Russia and Germany directly and circumvent Ukraine, has emerged as a critical bargaining chip in ongoing diplomatic negotiations as the Russia-Ukraine conflict intensifies.

This is a potent reminder of the importance of shifting the energy balance away from the global reliance on fossil fuels.

One Year Into Biden’s Justice40 Initiative

Jan. 27 marked the one-year anniversary of the Biden administration’s introduction of the Justice40 initiative. Justice40 outlines a commitment to invest 40% of benefits derived from federal investments in climate and clean energy into communities disproportionately burdened by the effects of climate change and pollution.

The impact of this initiative was seen in the inclusion of health and safety provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub.L. 117–58), such as measures to clean up lead pipes and Superfund sites.

What We’re Reading:
Rosalie Ruetz

Rosalie Ruetz

Program Assistant, Sustainable Energy and Environment (2021-2022)

Rosalie Ruetz is the program assistant for sustainable energy and environment.