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Inside the Greenhouse is a monthly newsletter about FCNL’s environmental work, ways to engage members of Congress, and stories that impact our work.

Environmental Justice for All Act Reintroduced

On March 18, Rep. Donald McEachin (VA-04), Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (IL) reintroduced the Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R. 2021), which aims to advance environmental justice and health equity for all underserved communities.

Among other provisions, the bill authorizes $75 million annually for environmental justice grant programs, requires agencies to include meaningful community involvement under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and supports more equitable access to the outdoors. Urge your legislators to co-sponsor the Environmental Justice for All Act today.

We applaud the Biden administration’s efforts to prioritize environmental justice, and we encourage Congress to follow suit. Read more about the history of environmental discrimination and FCNL’s commitment to advancing environmental justice.

Carbon Pricing Principles Guide our Advocacy

Carbon pricing is a straightforward and efficient answer to the market failure of unchecked carbon emissions, and should play a key role in the U.S. government’s response to the climate crisis. FCNL has long been a champion of carbon pricing. As the momentum around this policy grows, we have outlined some core principles to guide our advocacy.

These principles are the basis for our support of policies that pave the way for a sustainable low-carbon economy without placing the burden on the most marginalized members of our society. Read more.

In 2021, FCNL constituents have sent 4,542 messages in support of carbon pricing.

News and Updates

Secretary Haaland Sworn In
On March 15, the Senate voted 51-40 to confirm Deb Haaland as secretary of the interior, with four Republicans joining their Democratic colleagues to support her nomination. She was officially sworn in on March 18 by Vice President Kamala Harris. Haaland becomes the first Native American to serve in a cabinet-level position.

First Carbon Pricing Legislation of 117th Congress Introduced
On March 10, Sen. Dick Durbin (IL) reintroduced the America’s Clean Future Fund Act, the first major carbon pricing bill of the 117th Congress. This ambitious legislation aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide funding for climate change resilience and environmental justice.

Climate Summit to be Held in April
On March 26, President Biden invited heads of state from 40 countries to the virtual Climate Leaders Summit, which will be held April 22-23. In addition to all members of the G20, President Biden also invited global climate leaders from smaller nations, some of whom are already facing the devastating impacts of climate change. In advance of the summit, Biden is expected to announce a more ambitious emissions target for the United States under the Paris climate agreement.

Constituent Spotlight
Join us for FCNL’s April Quaker Changemaker Event, “How Quakers are Working for Climate Justice,” on April 28 at 6:30 p.m. EDT! As the climate crisis looms larger by the day, Quakers are among those working for a vision of climate justice and creation care—through legislative advocacy, direct action, protests, sustainability work, and more. Friends involved in this social change ecosystem will talk about their experiences, goals, and concerns in pursuing “an earth restored.”

Mariah Shriner

Mariah Shriner

Program Assistant, Sustainable Energy & Environment

Mariah Shriner served as the program assistant for the sustainable energy and environment team for 2020-2021. Mariah lobbied members of Congress, advocating for bipartisan responses to climate change and support for climate justice.