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In November 2020, Secretary Pompeo notified Congress of an impending sale of $23 billion in advanced weaponry to the United Arab Emirates. This panel, moderated by FCNL’s lead lobbyist for Middle East Policy Hassan El-Tayyab, brings together academics, policy experts, and Yemeni human rights advocates to discuss the context surrounding the arms deal and its implication for the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. FCNL and 28 other organizations announced their opposition to the sale on Nov. 30.

The group discusses and answers questions about the ongoing conflict including: 

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Adam Coogle is a deputy director with the Middle East and North Africa division at Human Rights Watch, which he joined in 2010. He was a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch between 2013 and 2020 and has written extensively based on his investigations into human rights abuses across the region with a focus on GCC states and Jordan.

Annie Shiel is the Senior Advisor for U.S. Policy & Advocacy with CIVIC’s US Program, where she conducts policy research and advocacy around the civilian harm implications of US military operations and security sector assistance.

Jeff Abramson is a senior fellow at the Arms Control Association and writes regularly on arms trade issues, including in Arms Control Today . He also directs the Forum on the Arms Trade, a network of more than 100 global professionals active on arms trade, security assistance and weapons use issues.

Shireen Al-Adeimi is an assistant professor of education at Michigan State University. Since 2015, she has played an active role in raising awareness about the Saudi-led war on her country of birth, Yemen, and works to encourage political action to end U.S. support for the war.

Hassan El-Tayyab

Hassan El-Tayyab

Legislative Director for Middle East Policy

Hassan El-Tayyab is an author, songwriter, and FCNL’s legislative director for Middle East policy.