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FCNL and nine other foreign policy organizations urged leadership of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to keep an amendment supporting diplomacy with North Korea in the final version of the fiscal year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Dear Rep. Adam Smith, Rep. Mac Thornberry, Sen. James Inhofe, and Sen. Jack Reed,

We, the undersigned national organizations representing hundreds of thousands of supporters across the country, write to you in support of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 included in the House version regarding the path forward with North Korea.

This amendment, led by Representatives Khanna and Sherman, plainly and simply affirms that diplomacy is essential for navigating a realistic path forward on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and that a formal end to the nearly 70-year-old Korean War plays a critical role toward that aim.

Particularly at a moment when talks between the two nations appear to again be in motion and the security of all Koreans, Americans, and the world is at stake, it is incumbent upon the U.S. Congress to weigh in as a co-equal branch of government to affirm these key principles.

We strongly support this language and urge that you ensure it remains in the final bill.


American Friends Service Committee
Arms Control Association
Center for American Progress
Foreign Policy for America
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Peace Action
Ploughshares Fund
Win Without War
Women Cross DMZ