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This is powerful: hundreds of thousands of people across the globe will participate in a #climatestrike this week through creative, grassroots campaigns and actions. This dramatic momentum will push the demand to reduce carbon emissions. It will raise awareness, and it will spur commitment to change–change that must happen in business and industry, in schools and local communities, and especially policy change by national governments.

Student Climate Strike in Columbus Circle 3-15-2019
Pamela Drew/Flickr
That’s what we’re focused on here at FCNL, and if you aren’t completely plugged into our climate change work, I want to encourage you to participate in the global #climatestrike this week and to invite you to join FCNL every week to influence Congress. We need to let our elected officials know that their constituents expect policy changes to effectively address climate change.

I’m so encouraged by the energy and passion of young people who are leading the #climatestrike—people whose lives and future are determined by the climate change crisis.

For the past few years, FCNL has been building bipartisan support among Republican and Democratic congressional offices to recognize the human-caused drivers that are creating climate disruption and devastation for millions of people. We have advocated for respectful dialogue and legislative solutions to climate change.

While this work can feel slow and difficult, it is essential for Congress to craft and vote on legislation that will have lasting solutions. A growing number of our elected officials are making climate action a priority, including more bills that put a price on carbon.

Here’s six ways you can act with FCNL:

  1. Learn about carbon-pricing. Congress must support a price on carbon to make a meaningful difference in global warming. The good news is that there is bipartisan interest in this economic tool. The more constituents persistently talk to their members of Congress, the more they will be pressed to respond. This link and this flyer provide information on carbon-pricing that you can share with your representative.

  2. Meet with your member of Congress and develop an ongoing relationship. Moving Congress to act on climate is essential, but they need to be asked by constituents to act. In fact, they need to be asked again and again by many constituents. The “ask’ can include cosigning a bill or organizing support for legislation among other members of Congress. You can ask your representative to join the Climate Solutions Caucus, a bipartisan group in the House of Representatives that discusses solutions to the climate crisis. If you are ready to meet with your member of Congress and want to build an ongoing relationship, FCNL will help.

  3. Email your member of Congress. Write to them about the urgent need for carbon pricing.

  4. Write an opinion piece or a letter to the Editor in your local newspaper. Email if you need help.

  5. Subscribe to Inside the Greenhouse, a monthly digital newsletter. You can sign up here.

  6. Join our regular “Call to Conscience on Climate Disruption” led by Emily Wirzba, FCNL legislative manager for sustainable energy and environment. This call is for people working to build a relationship with their members of Congress to advance bipartisan action on climate change. Email Emily to learn more.

I’m so encouraged by the energy and passion of young people who are leading the #climatestrike—people whose lives and future are determined by the climate change crisis. This is an energy that we all need, a passion of love moved to action save the planet and save the people.

Diane Randall

Diane Randall

General Secretary Emeritus (2011-2021)

Diane Randall served as the General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation from 2011-2021. She was the fourth General Secretary and first woman to hold the position.