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FCNL signed a letter with 61 partner organizations asking Congress to stop the march to war with Iran.

May 21, 2019
To: Members of Congress

We write to request that Congress take urgent action to halt a march to war with Iran.The Trump administration, spurred on by National Security Advisor John Bolton, has moved the U.S. into a war posture. Over the last few weeks, Bolton pushed through unprecedented sanctions and escalated the war of words intended to provoke retaliation from the Iranians. Now, Bolton has used a routine carrier deployment to the Middle East to threaten Iran with “unrelenting force” and has overseen the revision of war plans that would send 120,000 troops to the Middle East if Iran takes his bait.

Congress cannot be complicit as the playbook for the 2003 invasion of Iraq is repeated before our eyes. The administration has increasingly politicized intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program, and falsely asserts ties between Iran and al-Qaeda. Worryingly, the administration does not perceive that it is constrained by the lack of Congressional authorization for war with Iran, and has even suggested that the 2001 authorization to use military force could be twisted to green light strikes against Iran.

As the drumbeat for war grows louder, Congress must fulfill its Constitutional duty and enact further constraints to unequivocally prevent the administration from launching an unauthorized war. We urge you to pass legislation to bar funding for an unauthorized war with Iran -The Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act (S. 1039/H.R. 2354) -together with legislation that makes clear that no existing statutory authorization, including the 2001 authorization for use of military force, provides for war with Iran. Moreover, we urge all lawmakers to issue statements making clear that no authorization for an Iran war exists, and that if the Trump administration seeks war it must first come to Congress for debate.

The American people do not want another disastrous war of choice in the Middle East. Congress has the chance to stop a war before it starts. Please take action before it is too late.


About Face: Veterans Against the War
Americans for Peace Now
Beyond the Bomb
Brave New Films
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Center for American Progress
Center for International Policy
Chino Cienega Foundation
Common Defense
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
Council for a Livable World
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Daily Kos
Dallas Peace and Justice Center
Demand Progress
Environmentalists Against War
Federation of American Scientists
Foreign Policy for America
Franciscan Action Network
Freedom Forward
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ
Global Security Institute
Global Zero
J Street
Jewish Voice for Peace
Just Foreign Policy
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
NIAC Action
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Nuclear Watch New Mexico
Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
Palestine Action Committee of Texas
Pax Christi International
Peace Action
Peace Development Fund
Peace Direct
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Ploughshares Fund
PRBB Foundation
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Project South
Public Citizen
Rachel Carson Council
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
The Peace Farm
Tri-Valley CAREs
Truman National Security Project
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United for Peace and Justice
Veterans For Peace
Washington Against Nuclear Weapons
Western States Legal Foundation
Win Without War
Women’s Action for New Directions