Susie Fetter was a beloved member of FCNL’s General Committee from 1988-2012, serving on the field, development, and nominating committees. She represented the Field Committee on FCNL’s Executive Committee from 1994-2000. Susie passed away on March 21, 2019.
When the Executive Committee made the decision to add a Field Committee to FCNL’s governing body, Susie was the first clerk. We had a great time working to develop a direction for the committee and encouraging FCNL constituents to become even more active. After Susie’s term as clerk, Bob—her husband—succeeded her. The tender care of FCNL supporters was thoughtfully guided by both Fetters for many rich years.
I came to FCNL in September of 1992; tasked with working alongside Susie and Bob to give FCNL a proper 50th birthday celebration in 1993. They worked from their home in Roanoke, Virginia as Friends in Washington.Their enthusiasm was boundless, as was their dedication to FCNL. It was a wonderful way for me to begin working with constituents around the country. We planned 50th birthday parties at yearly meetings, monthly meetings, and Friends General Conference. Even though Susie had an accident and broke her leg right before the gathering began, the festivities were carried out, complete with a skit featuring a couple of ‘presidents.’ The celebrations began with a wonderful get together at Earlham College and ended with a fine Annual Meeting celebrating “50 years of FCNL.”
I always appreciated Susie and Bob’s dedication to FCNL and their imaginative ways of making the organization relevant to folks across the country. It was impossible not to be swept up with Bob’s boundless enthusiasm. Susie’s ability to keep things grounded made them a perfect partnership. They had so many Friends and friends across the country, and were happy to reach out to them tirelessly. It was wonderful to see a couple take on years of devotion to FCNL together in their retirement, both in Southern Virginia and at Broadmead Retirement Community in Maryland, where Bob continues to live.
Kathy Guthrie is an active member of the FCNL community. She was the field program secretary at FCNL for nearly two decades.