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General Committee members Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan visited the U.S.-Mexico border.

People with a sign at the US-Mexico Border
Sign mourning dead and disappeared people at a protest at the Eloy Detention Center, Eloy, AZ.

Crosses at the  border
Crosses of the deceased in the desert, left at the wall in Nogales, AZ.
A USCBP pickup truck driving along the border fencing
A border patrol agent’s job is to catch people crossing the border.

Looking down the border wall, with a pickup truck in the distance
The wall in Nogales, AZ complete with double strand of razor wire.

A man receives dirt hands stuck from one side of the wall through the other
Exchange through the wall.

Photo Credits: Feva Fotos. To see more of Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan’s photographs, visit: