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We’re gearing up to protect the Affordable Care Act — and the 22 million people who got health insurance because of it. There’s more recognition that repealing the ACA without replacement is a bad strategy, but the momentum to do it is still moving ahead.

Congress took the next step down that road this week when both houses passed the budget blueprint. Congress is still working to have repeal signed by mid-February, whether or not a replacement is in place. 

Right now there’s talk around how far down the road the repeal will take effect. But as Cory Booker said on Face the Nation last weekend, “This is akin to shoving someone off a cliff and as they’re falling down saying, ‘Don’t worry. We’re going to figure this out before you get to the bottom.’” 

Support the Affordable Care Act

Act now

Congress will decide on the future of the Affordable Care Act — and the millions of people who rely on it — in the next month. Don’t sit this one out.

FCNL joined faith groups from across the country for a national call-in day last Monday. Thank you to those who participated! Whether or not you called, leave a message today, or call again on Tuesday reaffirming your support for the Affordable Care Act.


  • Climate Change: NASA satellite images show the devastating effects of climate change over months, years, or decades.
  • United Nations: Senators introduced legislation to block all U.S. contributions to the UN — until the UN repeals a resolution to condemn Israeli settlement expansion. 
  • Nuclear Weapons: Check out a TED Talk from last fall on why the world doesn’t need more nuclear weapons.
  • Nominations: The Senate held hearings for key Cabinet posts this week. We’re still concerned by several of the nominations.
  • Iran Deal: Tomorrow marks one year since the Iran deal went into effect. Here’s why that matters.
  • Inauguration and Women’s March: FCNL, along with many local Friends meetings, are hosting and participating in events around the inauguration and the Women’s March. Join us!
Chris Letts

Chris Letts

Former Digital Communications Manager

Chris Letts managed FCNL’s website and email advocacy program. In this capacity, she wrote extensively for FCNL’s digital presence and communicates with activists around the country. She led FCNL’s 2016 website redesign. Chris is especially focused on leveraging technology make advanced constituent advocacy more accessible. She also wrote This Week in the World, FCNL’s weekly news digest.