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This is our time to speak truth to power. This is our time to invest in ourselves and our advocacy tools and skills, so that we can best support our most vulnerable communities. It is time to organize.

FCNL’s focus is on working within our democratic system to influence legislation – and we also recognize and affirm the many ways that many of you may be called on to act for change.

In truth, this is our time to get real, and real potent, real fast. And all in the name of God’s love.

We're Ready

Friends are marching, and writing opinion letters to their local papers, calling congressional leaders and speaking out at town halls. Bridget Moix, FCNL Executive Committee’s new Assistant Clerk, shares her story:

“I took my two sons – their first big demonstration – and marched with family and friends in town from Ohio. I was buoyed and moved to tears at times by the display of diversity, inclusion, compassion, and love that was moving through the masses of people who assembled in the streets of Washington, DC, and so many other towns and cities around our country and the world. The message and spirit of women’s rights and equality for all spoke powerfully against the rhetoric of hate, sexism, and racism that has been on display. Most of all, I am glad that my two young Mexican-American sons felt the amazing affirmation from hundreds of thousands of people that who they are is beautiful and loved and welcome in this country.

As we enjoy this renewal of hope, we are also moved to keep up the momentum and continue taking action. One of the most important lessons I learned at FCNL is that we must turn protest into policy. As a DC resident, I don’t have a vote in Congress myself, but after the March, I texted my family members in Ohio, Florida, and Virginia to encourage them to put the numbers of their Members of Congress into their phone now, and to prepare to use them in the weeks and months ahead. One woman from my hometown in Dayton who came for the March went further. When she got home, she signed up immediately for a training for women who want to run for office.”

Friends, we are going to own and spread Quaker power and light. We are already hard at work resisting hate and bigotry, racism and sexism in in our nation’s highest elected officials’ offices.

Since the election, 500 FCNL Friends and advocates have paid their congressional offices a visit!

Now we need you

Influencing change does not begin and end with the election season. As a Friend from Virginia Beach told me, “Quakers are best when called to bring their faith in to action.” And Friends, this is the time.

Healing the heart of democracy means looking for openings that can come in unexpected places. In my heart of hearts, I know that change happens when we stay connected with each other. #LoveThyNeighbor (No Exceptions) means trusting the power of God’s love, and being open to recognizing and loving the humanity and value in everyone I interface with.

This road is not always so easy and when Friends lobby with FCNL, we have the amazing opportunity to advocate with people from all sides of the aisle. When I think of the upcoming months, I anticipate that the hardest part of my advocacy work in the word will mean refusing to demonize those who disagree with efforts to obstruct inequity and injustices. 

I welcome the chance to be spiritually challenged and transformed in 2017; I hope you join me. 

Christine Ashley

Christine Ashley

Quaker Field Secretary

Christine develops and sustains FCNL’s engagement with individuals both within the Religious Society of Friends and with seekers for the Quaker way of living Faith in to action.