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Faith Groups to Congress: Support Peace Through Diplomacy in Ukraine

It has been more than four months since Russia invaded Ukraine. In response to the terrible human toll of this illegal assault, FCNL led 23 faith organizations in sending a letter to every member of Congress today urging lawmakers to avoid actions that would escalate, expand, or prolong the war in Ukraine.

Q&A: Figuring Out the Quaker Role in Ukraine With Michael Eccles

For Friends in Europe, the invasion of Ukraine has sparked urgent discussions about how to respond to the continent’s largest conflict since World War II. We spoke with Michael Eccles, executive secretary of the Europe and Middle East section of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC-EMES), to learn more.

How would you define the work and goals of FWCC in Europe and the Middle East?

Let’s Not Repeat the Mistakes of Iraq in Ukraine

As concerns continue to develop over Russia’s attacks against Ukraine, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) has responded by introducing a new authorization for use of military force (AUMF), which would give President Biden authority to use force should Russia deploy chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.

Investing in a Durable Peace in Ukraine

As Russia continues its offensive, allies are responding by funneling more and more weapons into Ukraine. The urge to do something—anything—to stop the horrifying violence unfolding in Ukraine is deeply understandable. But this is the point where someone should be pausing to ask—is this deluge of arms going to result in the peace the Ukrainian people need and deserve?

Six Nonviolent Ways Congress Can Help Ukraine

Quakers have long opposed war, supported the right to conscientious objection, and actively worked for peace in our communities and around the world. These precepts are—and should be—tested in the face of war and violence. They are now challenged by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.