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Sick and Tired of Tragedies at the Hands of Police

Jacob Blake. Another name in the long list of Black men and women shot by police. This time a father, security guard, and a sibling. He was shot multiple times while his children watched from the car. Just imagine being a small child and witnessing your father being gunned down by police. Thankfully, they did not take his life.

Holding Black and Brown Lives in the Light

José Woss, FCNL’s legislative manager for criminal justice and election integrity, provides powerful testimony about the experience of living in America, coming to terms with its racial realities, and taking a stand for the generations to come.

The Justice Act is All Studies and No Solutions

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Rayshard Brooks, and countless others have laid bare the problems with the American policing system. Recently, Sen. Tim Scott (SC) proposed the Justice Act (S. 3985) as a response to this ongoing crisis. This bill, though, falls far short of the moment that inspired it.

Moral and Practical Reasons to End the Death Penalty

There are many reasons to end the use of the death penalty. Executing criminals does not effectively address the roots of violence in our society. It has not been shown to effectively deter the sorts of crimes for which it is applied. It does not restore lives destroyed by acts of violence.