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Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Friends in Italy

Meeting Minute

Let us seek paths to work for peace, to act in faith and love, with persistence, patience, and courage. We ask everyone, including those in power, to learn from and work with the peacebuilders, who have labored long and hard. May they lead us all in creating an enduring peace built on justice and reconciliation that provides safety, sovereignty, and a future free of war as Palestinians, Israelis and all people of the region become partners pursuing the sacred goal of Peace.

Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Strawberry Creek Monthly Meeting (CA)

Meeting Minute

As members of Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting (Quakers) in Berkeley, California, and in keeping with our historic peace testimony, we are horrified by the killing on all sides in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, and the larger Middle East. We support a lasting ceasefire, together with peaceful action by the United States and other world power, to bring about lasting peace, justice, and freedom.