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This Week in the World: A Major New War is Looming. But It’s Not Inevitable

Traveling throughout the Middle East in January, FCNL’s Bridget Moix and Hassan El-Tayyab saw firsthand how the regional violence sparked by the Isarel-Gaza war was getting worse daily. Reflecting on their experience, they warned that these escalations would “continue until there is a ceasefire.”

The months that have passed since then have proven their words true and exacted an enormous human toll. Today, the region is closer to the brink of a major war than ever.

This Week in the World: If War Is Not the Answer, What Is?

Following the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump last weekend, we joined people of faith and conscience around the country to reject political violence in all its forms. Just as violence is not the answer to political conflict here at home, it is not the answer to security challenges abroad.

This Week in the World: Celebrating U.S. Independence by Committing to Democracy

Independence Day is a chance to appreciate our democracy. Yesterday, we celebrated the 248th birthday of the United States of America. But today, many of us are deeply concerned about the health of our democratic system.

While it’s natural to feel anxious, never let anyone make you feel like your voice doesn’t matter or that you can’t make a difference. Despair is a threat and a lie. Our faith calls us to commitment and courage.

11 Key Senators for Native American Advocacy

The United States must uphold its federal trust responsibility to tribes by honoring treaty obligations, protecting and strengthening inherent tribal sovereignty, protecting tribal lands held in trust, and providing for a prosperous future for tribal communities. Below you can find 11 key senators who have the most power in the Senate when it comes to Native American advocacy.

8 Key Senators for a Ceasefire in Gaza

Decades after the end of the cold war, the drive to build nuclear weapons by some governments continues, energized in no small part by the policies of the U.S. government. The awful power of nuclear weapons indiscriminately threatens all people. Find 11 key senators who hold much power in the U.S. government when it comes to nuclear weapons.