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Congressman Blumenauer Memorializes David Culp

Congressman Earl Blumenauer (OR) entered this statement into the record honoring the life and work of David Culp, who advocated for nuclear disarmament as an FCNL lobbyist for nearly two decades.

David Marshall Culp, Jr: In Memoriam

Our entire FCNL community is mourning the loss of our colleague and friend whose passion and leadership on issues of nuclear disarmament, the outdoors, and Washington, DC politics was second to none.

Trump Muslim Ban is Reprehensible

The Friends Committee on National Legislation is outraged by and strongly opposes President Trump’s executive order that will close our doors to refugees fleeing violence and persecution.

FCNL Letter Regarding Nominee for DHS Secretary General Kelly

In a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, FCNL outlined specific areas we hope senators will explore when assessing how General Kelly might carry out the responsibility of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

FCNL Concerned by Nomination of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General

In a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, FCNL expressed concern about Senator Sessions’ nomination based on his past positions and statements on religious freedom and refugees, racial discrimination in the criminal justice and voting systems, and immigration.

Quaker Statement on Climate Change

As Quakers, we are called to work for the peaceable Kingdom of God on the whole Earth, in right sharing with all peoples. We recognize a moral duty to cherish Creation for future generations.