171 - 180 of 1461 results
Quaker Voices for Truth, Healing, and Justice
Join us on April 24 to learn about the trauma inflicted by Indian Boarding Schools and how it has affected Native communities over generations. We are grappling with the legacy of Quakers who supported the system by operating 30 such schools and working to make amends.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Newtown Friends Meeting
As members of the Quaker community in Newtown, Pennsylvania, we are a part of 375 years of testimony and action against all war and violence. We reaffirm the application of the peace testimony to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.
Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Mountain View Friends Meeting (CO)
A Different Future is Possible
This is a shared statement between FCNL and seven other Quaker organizations, published April 12, 2024. You can download it here.
Exploring the Way Forward for Friends in a Divided Congress and World
FCNL is a force for peace and justice. Our power comes from uplifting our prophetic mission and living into the world we seek. We must ask ourselves how Congress fits into our vision. Seeking an answer to that question, FCNL General Secretary Bridget Moix joined Sarah Freeman-Woolpert and me at the One America Movement Conference in Atlanta, GA, last month.Volunteer Treasurer
The FCNL Nominating Committee invites you to apply for a volunteer role as treasurer for Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Friends Place on Capitol Hill (FP), and the FCNL Education Fund (EDF).Friends in Washington: Past Volunteers and Projects
FCNL has hosted Quaker volunteers as Friends in Washington for more than five decades. Friends in Washington have strengthened FCNL’s expertise in priority areas, written resource materials, and cultivated relationships with lawmakers from their states.Friend in Washington Program
FCNL has hosted Quaker volunteers as Friends in Washington for more than five decades. Friends in Washington have strengthened FCNL’s expertise in priority areas, written resource materials, and cultivated relationships with lawmakers from their states. The Friend in Washington program is on hiatus through June 2026.Quaker Pacifism in the Context of War
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many Friends have struggled to make sense of their pacifism and the morality of their non-violent stance. Watching the horrors of the war unfold has led many Quakers to reflect on what it means to be a pacifist and, for some, to question whether Quakers should be pacifist at all.Tanzania Thomas
Tanzania Thomas (she/her) is the Advocacy Corps Coordinator at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Tanzania oversees, coordinates and guides the work of the Advocacy Corps Program; a 10 month-long program that onboards up to 20 young adults organizing their local community around federal legislation.