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1361 - 1370 of 1456 results
  • Criminal Justice Reform and the Trump Administration

    Update | February 24, 2017
    Last year, we saw the most robust attempts to reform America’s criminal justice system that the federal government has seen in a generation. Congress nearly brought a comprehensive criminal justice reform bill to the floor.
  • A Call to #LOVETHYNEIGHBOR (No Exceptions)

    FCNL in the News | February 23, 2017

    “The Friends Committee on National Legislation has a long history of speaking truth to power, and it continues to do so with what may well be the savviest and strongest response to all the threats posed by Donald Trump’s presidency.”

  • History

    Background | February 15, 2017
    We were founded by members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1943 in response to World War II. FCNL was a lobby from the start, working directly with policymakers to solve the big challenges that affect our world. Since then, we’ve advocated tirelessly for peace, justice, and sustainability — and it’s paid off.
  • Congressman Blumenauer Memorializes David Culp

    Statement | February 8, 2017
    Congressman Earl Blumenauer (OR) entered this statement into the record honoring the life and work of David Culp, who advocated for nuclear disarmament as an FCNL lobbyist for nearly two decades.
  • Trade for Well-Being, Not Just for Profit

    Statement | February 3, 2017
    On May 19th, FCNL joined the American Friends Service Committee, Quaker Council for European Affairs, Quaker Peace & Social Witness, and the Quaker UN Office in releasing a shared Quaker statement on TTIP and free trade agreements.
  • Quaker Power and Light

    Update | January 28, 2017
    This is our time to speak truth to power. This is our time to invest in ourselves and our advocacy tools and skills, so that we can best support our most vulnerable communities. It is time to organize.
  • An Open Letter to President Trump

    Letter | January 26, 2017
    Shortly after the election you mused about why Native Americans — collectively the largest private land holders in the country — were living like third world nations. That was a very good question.
  • Representatives of Faith Communities Urge President-elect Trump to Act on Values

    Letter | January 18, 2017
    Grounded in a belief in the fundamental dignity of all people, Executive Secretary Diane Randall and representatives of over a dozen other faith communities wrote President-elect Trump expressing their hope that he will uphold human rights and the principles of democracy throughout his time in office.
  • This Week in the World: Affordable Care Act

    Update | January 17, 2017
    We’re gearing up to protect the Affordable Care Act — and the 22 million people who got health insurance because of it. There’s more recognition that repealing the ACA without replacement is a bad strategy, but the momentum to do it is still moving ahead.
  • What You Can Do

    Background | January 6, 2017
    The beginning is knowing — really knowing — and acknowledging the history we share as Indians and non-Indians on this continent. Useful action flows from that place of recognition of how we stand with each other. Here are three sets of recommendations for your next steps.