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1311 - 1320 of 1461 results
  • 25 Groups urge President Trump to fill key leadership position for Africa

    Letter | August 7, 2017
    FCNL signed a letter to President Trump urging him to fill a key leadership position at the State Department. The highest level of diplomatic efforts are desperately needed to address conflict across Africa.
  • Mark Shanahan

    Person - Former Staff | August 4, 2017

    Mark Shanahan is responsible for maintaining and growing FCNL’s sustainable operations and oversees the facilities management of FCNL’s office and 205 C Street.

  • Protecting Medicaid

    Background | August 1, 2017
    Facing the most dangerous threat to America’s health care system in decades, constituents across the country stepped up in a major way. All of those efforts paid off in the early morning hours of July 28, when key GOP votes sunk toxic health care legislation.
  • Of Hope and Determination

    Update | July 29, 2017
    In the midst of tough votes on Pentagon spending, the health care victory this week shows the power of constituent action — and hope for a way forward.
  • FCNL Welcomes the Defeat of the Senate Health Care Bill

    Statement | July 28, 2017
    FCNL welcomes the defeat of the Senate healthcare bill or “Skinny Repeal” on final passage. The bill was narrowly defeated by 51-49, thanks to the courage of Senators Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and John McCain, who crossed party lines to vote NO on a bill that would have devastated millions of families beyond repair.
  • 35 Organizations Support Amendment to Block Transfer of Refugee Office from DOS to DHS

    Letter | July 21, 2017
    As the Trump administration considers dissolving the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State and transferring some of its responsibilities to the Department of Homeland Security, FCNL and more than thirty other organizations have signed a letter urging representatives to block this executive action.
  • More Than 200 Faith Leaders and Organizations Call for Values-Driven Immigration and Refugee Budget

    Letter | July 21, 2017
    To bring U.S. immigration policy in line with our values of welcome and assistance to those in need, FCNL joined a letter urging members of Congress to fully fund refugee protection and oppose funding for the creation of a mass deportation force.
  • DHS Funding Bill Funnels Billions into Deportation Machinery at Expense of U.S. Communities’ Security

    Statement | July 19, 2017
    The Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers) urges members of Congress to reject the House of Representatives’ Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations bill upon full chamber consideration.
  • Who Supports the Republican Climate Resolution?

    Background | July 13, 2017
    On March 15th, 17 House Republicans – led by Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Rep. Carlos Curbelo (FL-26), and Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-6) – reintroduced the Republican Climate Resolution. Many organizations support this resolution, which affirms that climate change is real, human-caused, and needs to be addressed by Congress.
  • Reverend Barber Reminds Advocates that an Attack on Affordable Healthcare Is an Attack on People of Color

    Update | July 12, 2017
    A repeal of the ACA risks deepening the racial health gap in the U.S