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If you’ve heard any message from FCNL before, there’s a good chance it’s this one: war is not the answer.  

As a Quaker organization, opposing all war is a foundational moral principle. Yet, this message is not only rooted in faith, but also pragmatism. Time and again, we’ve seen war-based solutions to security challenges fail, all the while inflicting a terrible human toll.  

What’s worse, research shows that the use of military force has not only been costly and ineffective, but deeply counterproductive, perpetuating cycles of violence while neglecting the root causes of conflict.  

Nowhere has this failure been starker than in the so-called “War on Terror,” which continues on after two decades in various forms today. 

But if war isn’t the answer, then what is?  

Building on our 2022 analysis and other insightful research, this new FCNL report focuses on addressing that question. 

Alternatives to War Report cover