When Foreign Countries Push the Button: Does the Nuclear Taboo Only Begin at the Water's Edge? [Online]
Sponsor: Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. Speaker: Joshua A. Schwartz, Harvard University.
Press the Button Live: Nuclear Policy in the Biden Administration and Beyond [Online]
Sponsor: Ploughshares Fund. Speakers: Multiple.
Press the Button Live [Online]
Sponsor: Ploughshares Fund. Speakers: Multiple.
Future U.S. Defense Strategy in East Asia [Online]
Sponsor: International Institute of Security Studies (IISS). Speakers: Elbridge A. Colby, The Marathon Initiative; Meia Nouwens, IISS.
Winning and Losing the Nuclear Peace: The Rise, Demise, and Revival of Arms Control [Online]
Sponsor: Stimson Center. Speakers: Dr. Barry M. Blechman, Stimson Center; Michael Krepon, Stimson Center; Brian Finlay, Stimson Center.
We want to acknowledge the pioneering efforts of David Culp, who played a central role in establishing the Nuclear Calendar as a beacon of knowledge and awareness. David’s dedication and passion for a world free from the threat of nuclear annihilation were truly inspiring, and we are grateful for his invaluable contributions.
Additionally, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), Ploughshares Fund, and the individual contributors and supporters of the Friends Committee on National Legislation and the FCNL Education Fund who supported the Nuclear Calendar throughout its existence.