How is Spirit moving through your yearly meeting? Through FCNL’s virtual “travel” to yearly meetings, we join in meeting for business and meeting for worship, hear leadings and concerns, and share the broader work of the Religious Society of Friends as it manifests through FCNL’s advocacy.
Yearly meeting intervisitation is a crucial time for FCNL staff to stay grounded in the Religious Society of Friends while inviting Friends to participate in Quaker advocacy.
While visiting at yearly meetings we:
Engage: Through workshops and our ministry of presence, we hold Friends meetings for worship and business in the Light
Listen! What are the big issues the yearly meeting is dealing with? What policy issues are Friends concerned about, and how can FCNL help?
Invite: Friends to join FCNL’s advocacy efforts, governance, and ongoing financial support.
Follow up: With people, meetings, and churches.
We want to build Quaker advocacy!
We invite you to connect with the FCNL staff liaison at your yearly meeting, ask questions of your yearly meeting’s FCNL representatives, and deepen your engagement with Quaker advocacy through FCNL. At FCNL-led workshops, we offer up tools and skills for Spirit-led action to help make change possible.
Yearly Meeting Intervisitation Among Friends
Yearly meetings are in chronological order.
If you do not see your yearly meeting here and would like to extend an invitation for summer of 2020 or future years, or if you have a correction for us, please contact Bobby Trice at This calendar will be regularly updated as we confirm engagements with yearly meetings.
2020 Yearly Meeting Calendar
June 12-14: Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends with Alicia McBride, Jim Cason, and Bobby Trice
June 18-21: Intermountain Yearly Meeting with Larissa Gil Sanhueza and Sergio Mata Cisneros leading a workshop on the Advocacy Corps Program, and Anthony Wier and Jeff Pudlo leading a workshop on FCNL’s nuclear weapons policy priorities.
June 17-21: Illinois Yearly Meeting with Bobby Trice and Sarah Freeman-Woolpert leading a workshop on SNAP and virtual lobbying during COVID-19.
June 17-21: Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting with Bobby Trice leading a workshop on young adult climate advocacy, and Alicia McBride and Hassan El-Tayyab leading a workshop on ending war in Yemen and preventing war in Iran.
June 26 - July 4: Friends General Conference with Diane Randall, Amelia Kegan, Alicia McBride, Sarah Freeman-Woolpert, Sergio Mata-Cisneros and Bobby Trice leading a workshop on COVID-19 and Congress; Christine Ashley and Executive Committee member Lauren Brownlee hosting a five day workshop on advocacy to challenge racist policies; Jim Cason and Shoshana Abrams leading an afternoon session on stories from the grassroots; Jose Woss and Joe D’Antonio leading an afternoon session on racism and mass incarceration; and Riley Robinson.
July 8-12: North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) with Mary Comfort Ferrell.
July 10-15: Pacific Yearly Meeting with Stephen Donahoe and Ursala Knudsen-Latta leading an interest group entitled “Progress toward Peace—You Can Help Advance Peacebuilding with FCNL.”
July 19-31: New York Yearly Meeting with Joe D’Antonio leading an interest group on Race, Mass Incarceration, and Covid-19, and Riley Robinson.
July 22-26: North Pacific Yearly Meeting with Amelia Kegan giving a plenary on prophetic Quaker voices, Kerri Colfer leading an interest group on VAWA, and Larissa Gil Sanhueza and Bobby Trice leading an interest session on supporting young adult advocacy.
July 24-26: Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative) with José Santos Woss giving a plenary on “Faith and Action in Troubled Times” and Susan Nahvi.
July 24-26: Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting with Bobby Trice leading a workshop on virtual lobbying.
July 24-26: Western Yearly Meeting with Alicia McBride giving a presentation on FCNL’s Quaker advocacy in 2020.
July 27 - Aug. 2: Baltimore Yearly Meeting with Ashley Wilson leading a workshop on faith-based advocacy and strategic lobbying.
July 29 – Aug. 2: Philadelphia Friends Yearly Meeting with Jim Cason co-leading a workshop on peace advocacy in the Middle East.
July 30 - Aug. 2: Lake Erie Yearly Meeting with Bobby Trice and Sarah Freeman-Woolpert leading a workshop on SNAP and virtual lobbying during COVID-19.
July 30 - Aug. 2: Alaska Friends Conference with Ursala Knudsen-Latta leading a topic group on peacebuilding and Bobby Trice.
Aug. 1 - 9: New England Yearly Meeting with Diane Randall and Sarah Kennedy.
Aug. 15: North Carolina Fellowship of Friends with Jim Cason leading an interest group on virtual lobbying.
Aug. 20: Palmetto Friends Gathering with Anthony Wier and Alicia McBride leading a workshop on nuclear weapons.