Virtual Witness Wednesday Silent Reflection
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Hear from FCNL’s senior director for Quaker leadership, Alicia McBride, Quaker engagement program manager, Bobby Trice and Quaker engagement program assistant, Clare Carter. They will talk through ways your meeting can become further engaged with FCNL, hear your ideas, offer support, and answer questions.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Join FCNL and interfaith partners for a webinar to learn more about what is happening and how you can act to support vulnerable communities here at home and around the world as Congress negotiates a deal to lift the nation’s borrowing limit.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship. Join us virtually on Zoom or by phone for a period of shared reflection as we seek grounding in community.
Join FCNL staff and advocates at Pendle Hill for this on-campus gathering of Friends to learn and practice rebuilding community as prophetic witness. Includes workshops with Friends and Quaker organizations: Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends General Conference, American Friends Service Committee, and more!
Join FCNL’s Sustainable Energy and Environment team on Call to Conscience to connect with activists across the country. Former Rep. Bob Inglis (SC-04) will talk about his journey with climate policy, the role that his faith plays in his approach to climate issues, and provide insights on what might come next on U.S. and international climate policy.