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Native American Legislative Update - August 2017

The President proposes, but Congress disposes, one leading appropriator quipped when the President submitted a budget with deep cuts affecting Indian Country. With Congress on recess until September, there’s a moment to check in on how the committees have been responding to the President’s proposals. So far, funding looks better than might have been expected…

Native American Legislative Update - July 2017

During the month of June, we posted several timely articles about the President’s proposed budget, action on appropriations bills, developments on the Bears Ears national monument, and the travels of the health care repeal/reform legislation through Congress. This Legislative Update gathers up those articles and offers a few additional updates.

Native American Legislative Update - March 2017

The 115th Congress seemed a bit unsteady as it began the year with a new Administration in place at the other end of the National Mall. Even so, the congressional committees that deal with Native American Affairs have moved ahead, focusing on defining priorities – the President’s, the tribes’ and their own.

Native American Legislative Update

One month in, and Congress is diving into some complexities. Health care is not that easy to fix, it turns out. And budgets don’t balance when you throw in big spending with tax cuts. It’s all part of the reality check that visits each new Congress as it gets rolling.

Native American Legislative Update -January

A new era is definitely underway in Washington. There’s more bluster from the White House and some hurried activity in Congress (but that part is not new.) One dawning realization is that things really can’t change overnight – not for the better, and not for the worse.

Native American Legislative Update-December

Washington is waking up to the new year, taking the moment between the old and the new to assess and prepare. In this Update, we’ll look at what the 114th Congress finished, and what’s left undone.

Native American Legislative Update

Congress has reconvened after the elections. In the few remaining days of the “lame duck” session, several important issues are brewing for Native Americans.

Native American Legislative Update: September 2016

Congress is back and committees are busy. Check out the September update for stories on the Dakota Pipeline protest, Bears Ears, fishing rights on the Columbia River, protections for Medicine Wheel, some economic development ideas, and the Native Children’s Commission bill.