FCNL seeks to create a world free from war and the threat of war. Since September 11, Congress has largely ceded its constitutional authority to determine when and where the United States goes to war, and successive presidents have expanded our country’s military presence around the world.
U.S. Wars & Militarism

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Rein in Wasteful Pentagon Wish Lists
In a world that feels increasingly consumed by conflict, the United States faces critical decisions regarding national security and Pentagon spending.
Alternatives to War
If you’ve heard any message from FCNL before, there’s a good chance it’s this one: war is not the answer.
But if war isn’t the answer, then what is? Building on our 2022 analysis and other insightful research, our report focuses on addressing that question.
Related Issues

2002 Iraq AUMF
Learn what it is and why Congress should repeal it.

Alternatives to War
If you’ve heard any message from FCNL before, there’s a good chance it’s this one: war is not the answer.
But if war isn’t the answer, then what is?

The President’s War Powers
For nearly two decades, the United States has relied on two congressional war authorizations to serve as the legal basis for military operations against suspected terrorist groups abroad.
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