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Stop the Violence Against Asian Americans

The escalation of hate crimes against Asian Americans in the United States demands action. The recent murders of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian Americans, is heartbreaking; along with millions of people across the country, we mourn the loss of these lives and hold their families and community in the Light.

Celebrating Passage of the American Rescue Plan

On behalf of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, I would like to thank members of the House and the Senate for passing The American Rescue Plan. The bill, awaiting signature from President Biden, will have a dramatically positive impact on the lives of people who have been economically devastated by the pandemic and low income households.

Holding Trump Accountable

As people of faith, we support the second impeachment of Donald Trump; holding him, his allies, and the insurrectionists accountable. No one, not even the president, should be above the law.

Always Speaking Truth to Power

As we join millions of people in our country and around the world in celebrating the inauguration of the Biden-Harris administration and a new Congress, let us do so with fierce love. Let us do so firm in our belief that as Quakers and people of faith, we must always speak truth to power no matter who our earthly leaders are.

Impeach Trump

As people of faith, we support this second impeachment of Donald Trump and holding his allies accountable. No one, not even the president and his allies, should be above the law.

Remove Donald Trump Immediately

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) urges the immediate removal of President Donald Trump due to his inability to carry out his responsibilities, and the clear and present danger of his continuation as U.S. President.

The People’s Will Must Prevail

The people have spoken through the ballot box. The efforts of some Republican members of Congress to undermine certified state election results is a shameless attempt to subvert the will of the majority in a fair election. The people have overwhelmingly elected Joe Biden as president, not only by popular vote but through the Electoral College.