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Focusing on and Acting for Peace

On this International Day of Peace, I hope you will join me to speak out for peace, for ending violence and harm to communities and people who have been harmed, that you will act with FCNL in our collective work to build a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world.

Two Decades of War

If anything, the last 20 years has taught us that endless wars are harming people and the planet as well as the generations that come after us. Today, it is our fervent hope that endless war will be no more.

Holding Afghanistan in the Light

We call for the U.S. government to immediately welcome Afghans who are fleeing the country. We also call on our government acknowledge the harm it has caused, and use any remaining diplomatic leverage it may have to support multilateral violence-reduction efforts.

There is No Excuse for Antisemitism

The recent surge in violent attacks against members of the Jewish community is a shameful reminder that centuries of antisemitism continue to poison our nation and our world.

A Step Forward for Racial Justice

The guilty verdict rendered by the jury in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin for the killing of George Floyd in all three counts is a step forward for racial justice. The trial exposed the world again to the public killing of a Black man by a white police officer, a scene we see again and again across the United States.

Reform the Filibuster Rule

FCNL recognizes that changes are needed to the way Congress operates and our government fulfills its aspiration to be a true democracy.