‘Oppenheimer’ may have ignored our own nuclear victims. Congress should not.
Last summer, the film “Oppenheimer” captured audiences the world over with its depiction of the creation of the world’s first atomic bomb at New Mexico’s Los Alamos Laboratory. The Oscar-winning blockbuster went to great lengths to show the many moral struggles of those involved. To its credit, it also did not shy away from highlighting those who had no qualms with their work and its inevitable result.
Faith Groups to Congress: Break the Cycle of Nuclear Escalation
Amid escalating global tensions, FCNL recently led a letter to Congress with 17 interfaith organizations supporting a new resolution on arms control.
A Call for Prudence: Reflecting on Russia’s De-Ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
The Russian parliament’s decision marks a dire setback to sustained efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. But reacting to Russia’s move impulsively with a tit-for-tat approach is not the answer.
Quaker Leader Diane Randall Named Gender Champion in Nuclear Policy
FCNL is pleased to learn General Secretary Diane Randall was named as a new Gender Champion in Nuclear Policy by the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Quaker Lobby Lauds Extension of New START
The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) congratulates President Joe Biden for having reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin to extend the New START Treaty for the maximum allowable five years.
75 Years After Hiroshima, Congress Must Speak Plainly About the Suffering Wrought by Nuclear Weapons
Fifty years after she survived the American nuclear attack on Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945, Sachiko Yasui recalled what happened when the bomb went off as she played with four other children in the road near her house: