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  • Quaker Lobby Applauds House Passage of the Climate Bill, Urges More Action

    Press Release | December 9, 2020
    Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) praised today’s House passage of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R.9). Passed 231-190, the legislation prevents any funding for removing the United States from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. It also requires the administration to develop plans to meet its emissions reductions goals under the agreement. The bill passed with unanimous Democratic support and included Republican votes.
  • Quaker Lobby Applauds House Action to Reduce Violence Globally

    Statement | November 28, 2018
    Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauded last night’s overwhelming passage of the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act (HR 5273) in the House of Representatives. The bill mandates the development of a long-term, government-wide strategy to address fragility and violence in select countries. The bill strengthens American capacity to address the root causes of violence, which are taking an increasingly harsh economic and human toll.
  • Quaker Lobby Disappointed Over Cancellation of US-North Korea Summit

    Press Release | December 9, 2020
    Washington, DC (May 24, 2018) – The Quaker lobby, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), today said that President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel the planned June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore is a huge mistake and increases the threat of war.
  • Call to Conscience: Learn how to Decarbonize Your Home

    Event | May 8, 2023
    This month, Barbara Briggs from Friends Meeting of Washington will be our guest. She will share how tax credits secured in the Inflation Reduction Act (Public Law No: 117-169) can be used to decarbonize our homes.
  • Graham Bonnell

    Person - Advocacy Corps 2017-2018 | May 30, 2017

    Graham Bonnell is a current sophomore at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine where he is pursuing physics and political science. While serving as president of his high school’s student council, Graham developed an admiration for leadership, and supporting local communities.

  • Helen Mountjoy-Venning

    Person - Advocacy Corps 2016-2017 | January 3, 2017

    Helen Mountjoy-Venning is a graduate of Earlham College, where she studied environmental studies and Middle Eastern Studies, and helped lead a campus divestment campaign. During college she studied abroad in Amman, Jordan, interning at Friends of the Earth Middle East.

  • US support for Saudi war in Yemen soars under Trump

    FCNL in the News | November 17, 2017

    “This revelation should be a wake-up call to every policymaker and every American that this country is literally fueling the largest humanitarian crisis in the world and the worst cholera outbreak in recorded history,” said Kate Gould, a lobbyist with the Friends Committee on National Legislation

  • Invitation to Quaker Advocacy

    Event | January 2, 2020
    In these tumultuous times, it is more important than ever to engage in prophetic, powerful, and persistent advocacy. On Sunday, Jan. 5, 2019, 12:30-1:30 p.m. PST, I will be visiting La Jolla Friends Meeting to lead a second hour discussion entitled, “Invitation to Quaker Advocacy.” I hope you will join me.
  • Ending the Afghanistan War Responsibly

    Page | August 18, 2021
    To end the war responsibly, the exit of troops must be paired with steps to minimize any further harm to the people of Afghanistan.
  • Holy Voices for World Refugee Day: Welcome For All!

    Event | June 10, 2022
    Ahead of World Refugee Day, hear from directly-impacted leaders, people of faith, and advocates about the urgent need to restore welcome for all.