751 - 760 of 1554 results
FCNL Joins Faith Coalition Calling for Significant Cuts in Pentagon Spending
Today, FCNL joined 31 other faith organizations and 70 faith leaders in drafting and delivering an open letter to all 2020 presidential candidates. The letter urges them to call for significant cuts to the nation’s military budget and a renewed investment in funding for education, healthcare, and other vital domestic programs.Mark Shanahan
Mark Shanahan is responsible for maintaining and growing FCNL’s sustainable operations and oversees the facilities management of FCNL’s office and 205 C Street.
Quaker Lobby Applauds Global Fragility Act Inclusion in FY20 Spending Bills
Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation praised the inclusion of the Global Fragility Act of 2019, unanimously passed by the House earlier this year, in the bipartisan federal funding package for fiscal 2020. The funding package deal is expected to be passed by Congress and signed into law shortly.Quaker Lobby Welcomes Bipartisan Bill Stopping March to War with Iran
Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauded today’s introduction of the “Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act of 2019,” which would deny funding to a military attack against Iran without the authorization of Congress.Quaker Fundraising in Uncertain Times
FCNL Executive Secretary Diane Randall will serve as the keynote speaker at the biennial Quaker Fundraisers Gathering.Quakers Applaud Senate Passage of Savanna’s Act
Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) welcomed the passage of Savanna’s Act (S.1942) by the Senate. The bill is now headed to the House for their approval. Savanna’s Act is named after Savanna LaFontaine Greywind, a Dakota woman eight-months pregnant who went missing and was found brutally murdered in August 2017.Kate Gould speaks at Urgent Yemen Briefing on Saudi Arabia Arms Sales
Please join this important conference call to help prevent a further humanitarian disaster and mass famine from happening in Yemen and stop the U.S. from selling arms to Saudi Arabia.Quaker Lobby Supports Global Peacebuilders’ Call to Re-Commit to Peace
Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) today joined more than 170 peacebuilding organizations in an urgent call to action for global peace. The statement notes crisis responses that increase violence, injustice, and exclusion often worsen development losses and increase human suffering. Therefore, a focus on peace and justice must be at the heart of a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Faiths United to Save Democracy: Elections 2022
People of faith are partnering to defend the right to vote and to respond to voter suppression tactics that compromise the vision and the values of our democracy.Spiritual Grounding for Social Change at Quaker House Chautauqua