FCNL's Lacina Onco Speaking in New Mexico
New Mexico supporters of the Friends Committee on National Legislation have a special opportunity to meet Lacina Onco, Congressional Advocate on Native American Policy, on the weekend of March 10-11.The Quaker Welcome Center Takes Shape
In recent months, the FCNL office has been noisier than usual, with the sounds of rumbles, bangs, and crashes adding to the usual hum of conversation. The extra noise, coming from the renovation work next door, is a source of gratitude.FCNL Opposes Administration Policy Change on Israeli Settlements
As a Quaker organization seeking a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) strongly opposes the Trump administration’s recent decision to allow the expenditure of U.S. taxpayer funds in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.Citizenship for All: Faith Voices Needed for Advocacy
Join the Interfaith Immigration Coalition for a webinar to learn how you and your faith communities can take action right now and urge Congress to take bold, humane, and timely action for all 11 million undocumented immigrants.Washington Newsletter: Building Peace in Times of War
Washington Newsletter: Quaker Advocacy - Past, Present, Future
As the oldest registered religious lobby in Washington, D.C., it would be easy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) to celebrate its accomplishments and ride off into the sunset. After all, the organization has done a lot in 80 years. But that is not FCNL’s way.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Montclair Monthly Meeting (NJ)
As members of the Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Montclair, New Jersey, we proclaim this Peace Testimony. We believe that there is that of God in every person. We believe that violence only perpetuates violence. Therefore, we oppose the use of violence, and we work to realize peace, together with justice and compassion, to heal this world.Morgan Mack
Morgan Mack is currently attending Earlham College. He has not decided a major, but Morgan is interested in Politics, African/African-American studies and Sociology. Morgan is an active member of the Young Friends in Richmond group. Morgan was born and raised in Richmond, IN.
In Tight Vote, Senate Bucks Bernie And Allows U.S. Role In Yemen War To Continue
“We saw leadership divided” on the Democratic side, said Kate Gould, the Middle East legislative policy director at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. “We still had 44 senators that took the step not just of blocking a bomb sale, but of [considering] actually withdrawing U.S.
My story is not unique. But it should be
When I was 14, I lost a close friend to a gun. Shortly after that, in her own home, my mother was held at gunpoint. Just two years ago, my home — Nevada — was devastated when 58 innocent people were killed and another 413 injured while attending an outdoor music festival.