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711 - 720 of 1554 results
  • Statement on the Attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Civilian Aircraft

    Statement | September 26, 2016
    FCNL wrote this statement the day after the September 11 attacks. Now and always, we seek a world free of war and the threat of war. We hold the victims, the survivors, their families, and all those affected in the Light.
  • Annual Meeting 2023: Justice Calls Us. Love Unites Us.

    Event - Annual Meeting | November 29, 2023
    Our 2023 Annual Meeting brought together hundreds of Friends online and in Washington, D.C., to learn, lobby, worship, and chart FCNL’s future.
  • Is the US Fanning the Flames of the World’s Largest Humanitarian Catastrophe?

    FCNL in the News | November 7, 2017

    Kate Gould, the legislative director for Middle East Policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, calls the maneuver yet “another example of House leadership going to extreme measures, including violating the War Powers Resolution, to block any kind of consideration of the US role in

  • Change Can Happen

    Update | October 6, 2020
    This has been an inspiring time in Washington, D.C.! We have been riveted by our baseball team, the Washington Nationals, who unexpectedly made it into the playoffs and won the World Series! I became a big fan of this team. That they won and that I became so invested is testament that change can happen.
  • Minutes as a Shared Witness

    Background | October 6, 2020
    When Quakers conduct business in a monthly meeting or church, it is done in worship. A minute is a record of a corporate decision reached during a meeting for worship, or for business, or the account of a single transaction in the written record of a meeting for business or committee.
  • Q&A: Advocating Native Issues

    Background | November 1, 2021
    How can Friends be allies with the Native community?

    Native organizations most often ask for lobbying support. FCNL’s monthly Native American Legislative Update makes that easy. Some Quakers want to become effective community educators.

  • Speaking Truth to Power Out of Quaker Grounding

    Update | May 18, 2022
    On May 4, FCNL welcomed Dr. Sa’ed Atshan, associate professor of Anthropology at Emory University, to share his experiences with Quaker education growing up, his life’s journey with Quakerism, his thoughts on Quaker institutions, and his overall reflections on faith.
  • Jamie DeMarco

    Person | November 2, 2020
    Jamie is a member of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. He has served in many capacities in the Religious Society of Friend, including worked as a Young Fellow (2017 - 2018) at FCNL.
  • What You Can Do

    Background | January 6, 2017
    The beginning is knowing — really knowing — and acknowledging the history we share as Indians and non-Indians on this continent. Useful action flows from that place of recognition of how we stand with each other. Here are three sets of recommendations for your next steps.
  • Renewing Spiritual Strength, Reinvigorating Our Political Imagination

    Update | August 17, 2020
    I am eager to be with all of you during the FCNL Annual Meeting, a time when Friends from various branches of Quakerism can be together in fellowship, community, and worship. This is particularly important during these turbulent times both in our national politics and also within the Quaker community. I believe that our collective voice for peace and justice is no less essential at this time.