Marta Rusek, 33
I want to run for office one day—to become the mayor of Philadelphia. The city was founded by a Quaker, though it’s never had a female mayor. And Pennsylvania has never had a female senator.
Washington Newsletter: Lessons from the 117th Congress and Looking Ahead to the 118th Congress
As the 118th session of the United States Congress begins, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) and its network of advocates will be lobbying legislators based on 13 legislative priorities in the next two years. The priorities reflect the discernment of more than 250 Quaker meetings, churches, individuals, and organizations from all over the country.Minute Calling for Humanity in the Middle East - Albuquerque Monthly Meeting (NM)
Albuquerque Monthly Meeting (NM) reaffirm their Minuted commitments and calls for reconciliation among all people in this conflict.Trump’s budget sacrifices diplomacy for bigger guns
“Theo Sitther, Legislative Secretary for Peacebuilding at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, told ThinkProgress he was worried about the impact this ‘heavily militarized’ budget would have on conflict resolution.”
What's the real value of U.S. foreign aid?
“According to the Friends Committee on National Legislation, prioritizing development would be 60 times less expensive than military intervention and the subsequent assistance required for helping nations rebuild in the aftermath.”
Minute Concerning the War in the Middle East: Baltimore Yearly Meetng
Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) of the Religious Society of Friends Minute as to the ongoing U.S. military aid in the Israeli-Palestinian WarPowerful Beyond Measure: Trusting the Call to Leadership Exercising Our Citizenship
Assuming there may be people in this Meeting who might find dissonance between Quakerism and leadership, consider three key practices of both our faith and of leadership: listening, trusting, and acting.Minute on Policing
Minute addressing systemic racism and racists policing practices. Approved June 2020.Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Pertaining to H.R. 1585, the “Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019."
The Friends Committee on National Legislation urges members of the House Judiciary Committee to support the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 1585) and its effortsto address violence against Native women.
A Call to #LOVETHYNEIGHBOR (No Exceptions)
“The Friends Committee on National Legislation has a long history of speaking truth to power, and it continues to do so with what may well be the savviest and strongest response to all the threats posed by Donald Trump’s presidency.”