The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Growing Danger of Nuclear War
Sponsors: Physicians for Social Responsibility, Friends of the Chilmark Library. Speaker: Ira Helfand, Physicians for Social Responsibility.Hurricane Harvey Updates
Hear from SCYM how Friends are weathering Hurricane Harvey. They’re posting updates from individuals, meetings, and churches.
Dismantling Racism and Militarism in U.S. Foreign Policy
The major challenges facing Americans today—pandemic disease, climate change, economic inequality, racial and gender injustice—cannot be solved without international solidarity and human compassion. Endless wars and endless Pentagon spending only exacerbate these problems, making people at home and abroad less safe. In this report, authors Salih Booker and Diana Ohlbaum analyze the racism and militarism at the core of U.S. foreign policy and offer a roadmap for progress toward a more sustainable, just, and peaceful world.National FCNL Network Mobilizes for Indigenous Justice
In recent months, the FCNL community has mobilized around the country for indigenous justice in solidarity with tribes advocating for the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States Act (S. 2907/H.R. 5444).Arthur Meyer Boyd
Arthur joined the FCNL staff in August, 1995, having previously been for many years the Baltimore Yearly Meeting representative to the FCNL General Committee, and clerk of the Personnel Committee, and a donor.
Statement Regarding Anti-Terrorism Compliance
Many foundations and other institutional funders are now requiring that grantees certify as a condition for receiving a grant that they are not supporting terrorism.Faith Vigil for Peace in Ukraine
On the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, please join us in praying together and lamenting the human harm caused by violence and conflict.Three Months After Its Introduction, We Need The Freedom Of Religion Act More Than Ever.
Yasmine Taeb, the Legislative Representative for Human Rights & Civil Liberties at the Friends Committee on National Legislation joined the House delegation on stage.
Trump pressures Saudi Arabia on Yemen blockade
Kate Gould, legislative director for Middle East policy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation, said Trump’s statement Wednesday was a welcome development.
Sitara Nath looks to create immigration policy change with grassroots effort from The Bluff
“Nath spent 10 days this past summer in Washington D.C. with the nonprofit Friends Committee on National Legislation learning and beginning to lobby for immigration reform.”